Specialisti in azionamenti dal 1973

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Campo obbligatorio

Rendere semplici le applicazioni, facilmente.

Gestite al meglio controllo motore e risparmi energetici con gli ultimi prodotti di Control Techniques. Con un set di funzioni ottimizzate per applicazioni semplici, Commander S rappresenta una soluzione economicamente vantaggiosa per le installazioni che richiedono il controllo plug-and-play dal prodotto appena tolto dall’imballo.

Commander S è il primo azionamento provvisto di un’interfaccia sotto forma di App come standard. L’App Marshal è il nostro strumento rivoluzionario per interfacciarsi con l’azionamento e copre funzioni quali la messa in servizio, il monitoraggio, la diagnostica e il supporto tecnico.

Maggiori informazioni


Unidrive *Obsessives Included

Control Techniques once again brings the spotlight onto its flagship Unidrive product line, claiming its position as the ultimate universal drive.

Introducing our new Comprehensive Catalogue

In this catalogue you’ll learn about the tools we create that help innovators to move the world. From our general purpose Commander range, up to our high performance Unidrive family; whatever your application we have the answer.

Control Techniques: Drive Obsessed

Control Techniques has been at the forefront of drive technology for over 40 years. We empower innovators to move the world, one revolution at a time. We are drive obsessed.

Introducing: The Origin | The Control Techniques Story

Our new book, The Origin, explains some of the major milestones in the Control Techniques story.

Introducing: The 100 Book

A business is only as good as the work it does. In our new book, we've chosen 100 of our favourite Control Techniques success stories and brought them together in one place.

Introducing: The Hero's Journey

Our new book, The Hero's Journey, outlines the past, present and future of the Control Techniques brand.

Tradeshows and Events

SPS Italia 2024
MAY 28-30, 2024 | Viale Delle Esposizioni, 393a, 43126 Parma PR, Italy
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